Vielen von uns war er als sympathischer, aufgeschlossener und immer gut gelaunter Freerider bekannt. Spätestens mit seinem massiven Backflip über das Canyon Gap bei der Red Bull Rampage war sein Name in aller Munde.
Doch heute morgen ereilte uns die tragische Nachricht über den Tod der Mountainbike Legende Kelly McGarry. Laut mehrerer Medien ist Kelly McGarry am Nachmittag nach neuseeländischer Zeit verstorben.
Hier ist der News Report von der Otago Daily Times:
A man has died while mountain biking in Queenstown.
Queenstown emergency services were called to the mountain bike crash on the Ben Lomond Track above Queenstown at 4.14pm. Police said the call was to a report of a male having fallen from his bike and requiring urgent medical assistance.
St John Central Lakes territory manager Kelvin Perriman confirmed a man had died.
“It looks like it’s been a medical event.
“We’ve flown two paramedics from Queenstown up there. It is apparently at the back of the Ben Lomond track – it is a fairly remote area only accessed by helicopter. We believe its a gentleman in his late 30s declared deceased at the scene.”
He was not able to confirm the man’s nationality, or who raised the alarm.

Kelly McGarry – There are not many of your kind. We will miss you!
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